What WE Do

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We at efour are a firmware & middleware development company having extensive experience with hardware, operating systems, low-level diagnostic and performance tools. We develop firmware & middleware for a wide range of products in domains such as setup box, infotainment, healthcare, automation, networking, IoT, consumer electronics, etc.

Our firmware programming services extend to 8, 16, 32, and 64-bit microcontrollers produced by the most popular semiconductor vendors. We use ANSI C along with embedded scripting languages Lua and Python. These languages possess low memory footprint and therefore expedite firmware development and prototyping process.

efour’s middleware development services help you overcome complex integration challenges. Our services help you establish secure connections between distributed systems such as Cloud, SaaS applications, legacy systems, and multi-vendor enterprise solutions.

Best Firmware and Middleware Development Company
Best Firmware Development Services

Our Firmware Development Services

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We at efour have experts who can help you at every turn of the road when it comes to Embedded firmware development services. Our services include the following:

  • Design of MCU firmware.
  • Development of device drivers and board support packages (BSP).
  • Porting real-time operating systems to target hardware platforms.
  • Integration with wireless communication modules (ISM, WiFi, Zigbee, ZWave, Bluetooth Classic, BLE, UWB).
  • Optimization of portable and wearable systems (working with power-consumption, performance tuning, battery life, etc.).
  • Implementation of quality control, automated testing, and test-beds for MCU-based for embedded systems.
  • System Architecture and Partitioning
  • RTOS abstraction – VxWorks, Embedded Linux, QNX, WinCE
  • Boot loader porting and hardening, Minimum Kernel/OAL Support
  • Hardware Abstraction Layer
  • File System Integration, Memory optimization and Power Management
  • Board Bring up and verification, Diagnostics and Interrupt routines
  • FPGA/CPLD based digital logic designs and IP cores

Our Middleware Solutions

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We offer across the board custom middleware software solutions that fit into almost any of your requirements. Our services include the following middleware technologies:

  • Middleware Application Development
  • Middleware Integrations
  • Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)
  • Intelligent Business Automation
  • Transactional Middleware (TM)
  • Database Middleware
  • Portal Middleware
  • Embedded Middleware
  • Message-Oriented Middleware
  • Object-Oriented Middleware (OOM)
Best Middleware Solutions
Best Middleware Solutions

Supported Technologies in Firmware & Middleware Development

Our in-house team has accumulated years of experience using different technology stacks. These are:

  • ARM mbed
  • Filesystems: FatFs, Yaffs
  • FreeRTOS
  • TCP/IP stacks: uIP, lwIP

Why Choose efour for Firmware & Middleware Development?

Experience matters a lot in firmware & middleware development; and we at efour have got it in plenty. Having worked and partnered with various companies we’ve built an impressive portfolio over the years with access to the best SDKs.

With efour by your side, you’re guaranteed to get reliable services for custom embedded firmware development solutions with strict deadlines and regular workflow monitoring.

Hire Firmware and Middleware Software Engineer

For your embedded software development requirements hire firmware and middleware software engineer from efour. Our expert team of embedded engineers are equipped to develop electronics products integrated with mobile applications and well versed with using the latest tech stack in firmware & middleware development.

Frequently Asked Questions

Hardware is a physical system consisting of electronic devices that are designed to work together as a single unit. The software comes in the form of set up files and can be easily changed by the end-user. It acts as a bridge between a user and hardware. Whereas, firmware is a special kind of software that serves a very narrow purpose for a piece of hardware.

Key characteristics of a middleware platform include the following:

  • Cloud Compatibility
  • On-premise Support
  • Ease of Development
  • Interoperability
  • Adaptable

C and C++ languages have been most common when it comes to firmware development. However, we’ve also witnessed an increase in usage of languages such as Java, Python, Lua, Rust, Ada, JavaScript, Go, etc.

Firmware is a piece of programming code embedded in a particular hardware for a very narrow purpose. Whereas an operating system is a base software that lays down the foundation layer on a computer or device.

Embedded systems are devices or machines that can operate with zero or minimum human supervision. They’re a combination of hardware and software. IoT, on the other hand, is a technology that allows these devices to connect and communicate with each other to create a network of embedded systems. Thus, IoT can be termed as a subset of embedded systems.