An IoT-based digital helmet keeps the wearer safe in the work environment from various physical threats and also records data to manage the entire plant’s workforce productivity. Witness the capabilities of the smart helmet in managing your staff, inventory, and other enterprise-related operations.
Smart Digital Helmet : Project Exposition

efour has been actively participating in new IoT innovations. After successfully constructing our Smart Parking and Smart Switches products, we were up for a real challenge. Our team of IoT experts wanted to enter the industrial IoT vertical with a product that could help several different industries with a single, smart IoT product.
We researched several large enterprises across various verticals and tried to find a common problem that all of them faced. The number one issue we found was the safety and management of a large workforce.
So, we decided to turn their pain point into an opportunity to innovate and upgrade old working ways. We found out that most industries have mandated wearing engineering helmets or hard hats for their workforce on site.
These simple helmets for construction workers were nothing more than just a safety measure against falling debris or accidents. So we decided to IoTize this common equipment into a highly functional smart hard hat. The various sensors fitted into the digital helmet will collect data of the surrounding & body temperature, gases, motion, and location and provide it to the administrator/supervisor.
Industries Benefiting From Our Top Smart Helmet Technologies

What Are The Customer Pain Points?

Our search for creating a smart industrial helmet introduced us to several issues that the industry workers and managers faced on a daily basis. Here are the pain points that motivated us to build this smart helmet IoT product:
Benefits of Incorporating the Smart Helmet Into Your Enterprise
The smart helmet resolved all the workers’ issues and then offered additional benefits, which increased their productivity and safety. Our smart IIoT helmet became a phenomenal success for all the organizations that adopted it in their workforce.
Top Features of Smart Helmet IoT Product
All the smart helmet features are created with the workers and the management team in mind. The possibilities of functionality and safety are endless with our digital helmets. Check out the features that make this IIoT product the best smart hard hat available in the market.
01 Wearer’s location(GPS) + IPS for in-door locations
02 Map navigation
03 Humidity check
04 Body temperature check
05 Proximity safety
06 Air quality check
07 Pollution check
08 Surrounding temperature
09 SOS panic button
10 Sensor data collection
Challenges We Faced With the Smart Helmet Project
Developing a unique IoT product from scratch and that too for the most challenging industries is never an easy feat. We had our share of challenges while making a custom smart IoT helmet; here are a few of the prominent ones:
1. Fluctuations in Asset Tracking
We faced an error with the fluctuations in location reading of the helmet whenever multiple workers were too close within the same space. We realized that the standard programs to track assets weren’t accurate enough for multiple assets in close range and lead to this issue.
We overcame this asset tracking fluctuation issue by developing our own algorithm with the software team at the helm. Building upon the existing tracking programs, we enhanced it with parts of our own custom algorithm.
2. Body Temperature Sensor Placement
All of the sensors we integrated with the helmet (gas sensor, temperature sensor, gyroscope, GPS tracker, etc.) reside in a small custom-built device box attached to the helmet. But we also wanted to add a body temperature sensor that will get an accurate reading of the helmet wearer.
This challenge was of product designing; we wanted to keep the sensor innocuous to the wearer while gathering accurate body temperature reading. Hence placing this sensor with all the other sensors was out of the table. Then came a superb idea. We added the sensor to the forehead strap of the smart helmet the same way that a fitness band sensor is planted on the back of the device.
3. Longer Battery Life & Smaller Size
One of the biggest issues that an IoT product or any battery-driven product faces is the battery life vs. size conundrum. Everyone wants a device that has the smallest battery size while offering the longest battery life.
We scratched our heads for a long time behind this problem, just like all the big minds across the world in product development. Then a brilliant idea came to our IoT hardware team, instead of working on the battery, why not improve the source that uses the battery the most. So, we started sending data in an encoded format with smaller strings to save on the battery usage. The cherry on the cake was that this encoded format was a great step forward in increased data security.
4. Weight & Size of the Circuit
Once we tasted success at the battery problem, we were pumped to tackle a bigger dragon, the circuit. The goal was the same once again, how to reduce the weight and size of the circuit? The battery solution won’t work in this situation, so we had to come up with a new idea.
This time we had to go the hardware route to bring a successful solution to the circuit problem. What we did is instead of making a single circuit board, we broke down the modules into smaller multilayer PCBs. This way, we drastically reduced the circuit’s size and had some breakthroughs in reducing the weight.
The Impacts Of Our
Smart Helmet
on Various Stakeholders
The benefits and beneficiaries of our smart helmet are numerous. Here is a quick note on the several impacts that this IIoT product has on the adopters:
Tech Stack Used To Create The Fabulous
Smart Helmets IoT Product



What Is the Future Scope of
the Smart Helmet?
Our smart IoT helmet is fully customizable for any industry and workspace with customizable options in the helmet design, sensors, and product features as per your industry needs.
Our cloud-based smart helmet solution is not just limited to worker’s helmets. They are expandable to all the industry devices (smart devices, power tools, and wearables) that your workers operate. This expansion will be possible with seamless integration of BLE, RFID, Barcodes, and other NFC Technologies.
With our smart industrial IoT products, you will get complete information about every tool and instrument in your inventory. Our cloud-based enterprise IoT solution will soon be ready to expand to any machinery that you own.